• Waistband Guide

    Waistband Guide

    DB Waistbands What is the difference between our waist belts? Read the differences and choose the model that suits you.


    The Uniqueness collection reminds us with its story that we can and still can feel, speak and also make mistakes. It reminds of benevolence, authenticity and gentleness. It reminds you that you have permission to be you.
  • AW2021 / ROOTS

    AW2021 / ROOTS

    We all have roots in somewhere, You never know the story behind. Let's respect the roots, as we want our roots to be respected. Where does our story begin? We all have roots somewhere, everyone's path is unique. Dreamb's roots are in dance, which has combined the hobby and passion of two women into a new kind of Finnish dancewear brand. We have dared...
  • 1st Birthday 💖

    1st Birthday 💖

    Unbelievable, because today is exactly one year since our first IG post. We decided that 10.05. is our official birthday because that's when we've officially released the first photos on social media. Of course, work has been accumulated behind the pictures for several months, but it all felt real only when we were able to present our brand to you. THE FIRST YEAR HAS...


    We are looking for brave and wonderful brand ambassadors and partners who share our values ​​to share images, inspiration and information about the Dreamb brand. We are now looking for social media influencers for cooperation between April 1st and June 30th. Is that you?
  • SS2021 / Candy Dreams - dreams come true

    SS2021 / Candy Dreams - dreams come true

    Candy Dreams was born from the fulfillment of dreams, from the time when we face our first anniversary as a brand. Today's reception has not been taken for granted by any means, and you, the wonderful customers, have made it a reality. Although there have been many bumps along the way, we have built the online store twice and the websites three times within...
  • Thoughts on values, responsibility and transparency

    Thoughts on values, responsibility and transparency

    The value world for the Dreamb brand was built based on the points brought by Minna, I realized that I have been confused about many things. I admit this quite honestly, because I have selfishly ignored important things in the clothing industry. It became clear that we want to do as much as possible locally here in Lahti. We also want to use materials...
  • Can you hear the Whisper?

    Can you hear the Whisper?

    Listen and you'll hear a whisper. Sometimes that small whisper is the most important thing to hear, even though so often it gets drowned out in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A whisper can also be a glimpse of the future, it can be hope, it can be a touch of dreams. This is our Whisper xo xo
  • How did Dreamb get started?

    How did Dreamb get started?

    Crafts have been my great passion since childhood. I am a professional in the clothing industry by training, and have worked in the field for several years. Exercise and well-being is another great passion of mine, and ten years have passed in dance.
  • AW2020 / The story behind Karma

    AW2020 / The story behind Karma

    Karma - powerful and misunderstood. The Karma collection is a strong vision of femininity, that we are allowed to be. Positive Karma carries. We want to create positive karma and believe that goodness is rewarded.
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