
This Register Statement has been prepared in accordance with the EU Data Protection Directive (EU) 2016/680. The register is maintained by DreamFit Personal Training and the name of the register is DreamFit's customer register. Information is collected on the basis of a contract, so that handling our customer relationship would be effortless and pleasant for both sides, and so that the payment of products can be made through Klarna's online payment service. With the help of the collected data, we can ensure that the service offers versatile functionalities to its users. Data processing is not based on a legitimate interest.

If you have any questions about data protection or our registration statement, you can contact Terhi Lahtine at

What information do we collect?

When you place an order and register as a customer, we ask you for your first and last name, address, phone number and email address.
When you use the service, our system saves some of your actions in the database, including orders and order history, wish lists, product reviews, and communication in our service. The data of registered users is stored indefinitely or until the data subject wants to modify or delete their data.

Data protection

Information is collected from users who place an order and are registered. Information will only be disclosed to the controller. The information appears in the order confirmations sent to the customer by e-mail in connection with the order, as well as to customers registered on the website. The information received will not be disclosed to third parties outside the online service, nor outside the EU. However, the service provider can hand over customer data to the authorities within the limits permitted and required by the applicable legislation. If there is a reorganization in the company's ownership, in that case we may hand over information to new parties.

The controller is obliged to provide data subjects with information about the processing of personal data. A registered customer can browse and modify their user account information, as well as delete their account. The registered person has the right to receive the personal data concerning him that he has provided to the data controller, and the right to transfer the data to another data controller.

The registered person has the right at any time to object to the processing of personal data concerning him and to withdraw his consent to data processing by contacting the data protection officer of the data controller.

The data controller must notify the data subject of a data security breach without undue delay.

The data subject has the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority if the data subject considers that the processing of personal data concerning him/her violates the EU data protection regulation.

Strict access control is built into the service, which prevents outsiders from accessing the service and other users' data. The register is used only by persons whose job description includes its use. Each user of the register has a personal username and password. Users are bound by a duty of confidentiality. A paper printout of the register is not kept.

The service uses different social media components that allow the user to transfer data to different social media. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the data protection statements of the service providers in question.

Use of cookies

The website uses cookies to improve the quality of the service. The use of cookies on the site is protected, and they are not used for user profiling. Browsing pages without cookies can affect the operation of the service so that some functions cannot be used. Such functions include, for example, logging in and adding products to the shopping cart. DreamFit uses first-party cookies, which are used, among other things, for login and the shopping cart function. In addition, the service uses third-party cookies, such as Google Analytics.

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